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V Sara Modiano Prize for Arts.

Project consisting of three actions of measurement and counts, which end up becoming files that can be interpreted as drawings or sculptures.

I traveled to the farthest north and south of Colombia, to the Guajira and the Amazon, to count phenomena in the landscape. The first action was counting the waves that reached the beach in the 24 hours of a day. For each wave that arrived, I made a horizontal line on graph paper. The idea was to use a sheet of graph paper for each hour of counting, so the result of the count was 24 drawings on graph paper.

The second action consisted of counting the number of grains in half a cubic centimeter of desert sand, and for each grain counted I made a dot on the paper (10,002 dots).

The last action took place in the Amazon jungle. I went to find a tree called Aniba rosaedora that is critically endangered to try to count its leaves and for every nine leaves counted, I put a tree in the exhibition hall, which the public could take away and plant.

2017 - 2018

Registro del conteo en el Amazonas. 2018


24 dibujos en papel milimetrado. Cada dibujo corresponde a una hora de conteo de olas en la Guajira. 2018.

Vista general de la exhibición en la galería La Casita. 2018.

Vista general de la exhibición en la Galería La Casita, Bogotá 2018.

Plano general de la exhibición en la Galería La Casita, Bogotá 2018.

Drawing of 10.002 dots on paper. The grains of sand desert are inside of the tear of glass.

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